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Basics of Publishing Photos
Electronic Photo and Video Communications

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How to print pictures for the Photography Class

under the direction of Ray Tedder.


This class is designed to teach you how to shoot good pictures and how to use them in ways that will benefit you in your future career choices, in your volunteer activities, and in your personal life.  This document will explain the proper layout for documentary and art photographs for this class.  We will primarily be using Microsoft Word© for these projects, but these skills are easily translated for other software programs.


Placing a photograph into your document:


Open Microsoft Word©. 

Left click on the word Insert on the top toolbar.

Left click on the Text Box icon.  If you don't see Text Box move your pointer over the arrow at the bottom of the dialogue box.  If Text Box still doesnt show up you may have to customize your program, first.

Move your mouse pointer to your document.  The pointer should look like a plus sign (+) now, instead of an arrow. 

Left click in the area where you want to put your photograph.  A box should appear.  

Place your mouse pointer over this box and left click.  Your box should be highlighted and you should have a curser inside of this box, like the illustration in Figure 1.



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