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What is a documentary video
Electronic Photo and Video Communications


A documentary video is very much like a DTV News package, only in a longer form. 
Student documetaries are expected to be 3-minutes or longer in length and include:
  1. Narration by the student reporter (call "voice over" or "VO"),
  2. A stand-up by the student reporter,  
  3. Video-taped quotes (called "sound bites") from at least 3 different interviews, and Appropriate graphics including identfiers and billboards.

Student reporters producing a documentary video must submit for approval an idea for their project.  If that idea if approved, studnets must begin asembling the information and video for their project and submt a 1st draft for approval before continuing.  Finally, student reporters producing a documentary video must submit for approval a complete script with all the necessary director and edit cues before prodeecing edit their video and do post production work on it.

If you can any questions regarding the contest of this web page, please contact Ray Tedder by 
or calling 1(864)582-4347.