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Example of an editing script for a package story on the DTV News
Electronic Photo and Video Communications

Editing Script for Package Stories


The following script is the way the reporters should turn in a package script for the DTV News.  This is called an editing script.  If the reporter is out sick or for some other reason does not show up for class, then someone else can be assigned to edit this story so long as the editing script, videotape, and voice track are left in the studio (a voice track is the recording of the reporter’s voice on videotape as the reporter reads the script).  


On pages 1 through 3 is the anchor lead.  This is what the news anchor says to introduce the story.  At the end of this lead are the following:

§         The title of the story (“Changes for Band”) and the story form (Pkg, meaning “package”).

§         The location identifier and the time is should be superimposed on the story (Location ID: New Attitude, Dorman High – 4 to 8 secs).  Notice that the location identifier not only gives the location of the story, but also includes a very short teaser headline and the times that this graphic will be seen superimposed on the screen.

§         The reporting identifier (Reporting ID: Reporter/Joey West/DTV News – 10 to 14 secs): This shows the name of the reporter, the fact that he is reporting the story and the organization for which he is reporting.  This identifier is different from the stand-up identifier because it tells the viewer that the voice they are hearing is the voice of the reporter.

§         Interview identifiers (Jay Haward/Band Director, Dorman High – 37 secs to 1:05 min): these identify the person being interviewed or talking by name and description of who they are in relationship to the story.

§         Stand-up identifier (Stand-up ID: Joey West/DTV News – 1:07 min to 1:20 min): This graphic is only put over the package at times when the viewer both hears and sees the reporter talking.  It is similar in content to the interview identifiers in that it gives essentially the same information.

§         Total time (1:44 mins): This is for the entire package part of the story.


Following the anchor lead is the part of the script that is called the package.  It includes the script for the portion on which the reporter’s voice is heard but on which the reporter is not seen.  This part is called a “voice over” or simply a “VO.”  This VO section requires that the reporter record a “voice track” on videotape.  The voice track are editing on top of scenes from the story to create this voice over.  Notice that a description of each scene and the beginning and ending time for every scene on the original tape on which this story was recorded is listed in this script.  These times are on the editing script so that the editor can find those scenes quickly and no time is wasted at the editor.  Also in this portion of the tape are editing instructions for the sound that was recorded with these scenes.  Notice on page 4 one of the editing instructions says, “Nat. sound up full for 2 seconds and then drop to bed under voice track.”  This means that the reporter wants to hear the sound from the scene (in other words, the “natural sound” or “nat. sound”) for 2 seconds at full volume and then wants that sound to be turned down so that you can hear his voice when the voice over begins.  The sound from the scene is to be kept just loud enough under this voice track so that you can hear it, but so loud that it makes is hard to understand what the reporter is saying.  In other words, the sound from the scene forms a “bed” under the voice track.  Notice the instructions for a similar instruction to briefly bring the sound up to full volume on page 5.   Included in the instructions for the voice track is a notice to use “take 6.”  This means that the reporter tried 6 times to get this part of the voice track right and the words “take 6” should be recorded on the video tape right before the attempt that the editor should chose.


Following the voice over section of this package is a “sound bite” or “bite,” which is a piece of an interview that was recorded on videotape.  This is found on page 5.  The instructions for inserting this portion of an interview include the tape number or description (Tape 12) times on the tape (09:32:12 to 09:48:22), the identifier for the person being interviewed (Bite – Jay Haward/Band Director, Dorman High) and the things that are said at the very beginning of this sound bite (INCUE: Q - “What do you think about the band’s chances…”) and the things being said at the very end of this sound bite: (OUTCUE: “…we’ll be there”).  This information gives the editor all the information that he or she needs to put the correct sound bite into the story.  Notice the editing instructions just before the sound bite on page 5 where it says, ” 2-shot of band director and reporter.”  A 2-shot is one of 3 “cut-aways” that all videographers should videotape after every interview that is done.  A 2-shot shows 2 people in the scene and in this case the 2 people are the reporter and the person being interviewed and the camera angle shows the back of the reporter’s head and the face of the person being interviewed.  The other 2 cutaways that should be shot with every interview are the reverse 2-shot (showing the face of the reporter as he or she listens to the person being interviewed and the back of the head of the person being interviewed) and the and the reverse close-up (showing the face of the reporter as he or she listens to the person being interviewed and shot in such a way that you don’t see the person being interviewed at all).

The last section of the package in this script is the stand-up (page 6).  This is where the reporter is seen on camera as he or she talks to the camera (and through the camera he or she is talking to the viewer).  Notice the instructions tell the editor which attempt to record the stand-up the reporter wants to use (take 3) and the times on the tape where the correct stand up is found.

The last thing on this script is the tag line.  This is the 2nd part of this script that the anchorperson reads.  Every package should have a tag line.  This gives the anchor the chance to say thanks to the reporter for the report and to add one last piece of information so that there is a smooth transition back to the anchors on the set. 

One last thing that you should notice:  The editing instructions, times, cues, and identifiers are all in much smaller letters than the script that the anchors or the report must read.  This is so that the anchors and reporter can easily read their part of the script without being distracted by those instructions.


News: 27-Aug-04Page 1

( _________ )(Close-up)

While many of us were enjoying a leisurely summer working on our tan, some of Dorman’s most visible ambassadors were hard at work in the hot sun.


News: 27-Aug-04Page 2

No, we’re not talking about the baseball or football teams, we’re talking about the school’s marching band.


News: 27-Aug-04Page 3

D-T-V Reporter Joey West tells us they started work on this years show in June and they haven’t taken a break yet.

(“Changes for Band” Pkg)

(Location ID: New Attitude, Dorman High – 4 to 8 secs)

(Reporting ID: Reporter/Joey West/DTV News – 10 to 14 secs)

(Jay Haward/Band Director, Dorman High – 37 secs to 1:05 min)

(Stand-up ID: Joey West/DTV News – 1:07 min to 1:20 min)

(Total time: 1: 44 min)


News: 27-Aug-04Page 4


(Shot of band members silhouetted with sun overhead: Tape 12 - 14:25:33 to 14:40:37) 

(Nat sound up full for 2 seconds and then drop to bed under voice track)

(Voice track, take 6: Tape 12 – 45:14:56 to 46:34:12)

The Marching Cavaliers are hard at work long after most students have gone home for the day. 

(Shot of assistant director, yellow shirt, screaming in the face of drummer: Tape 12 - 11:55:21 to 12:12:17) 

The band practices every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:30 to 8:30. 

(Truck shot of line of band members facing camera: Tape 12 - 10:44:10 to 10:57:02) 

This years band has a new look… a new show… a new director… and that director says it all translates into a new attitude.

(Camera on the ground as feet of band march by: Tape 12 - 32:18:09 to 32:29:55) 

The goal: to win the state championship.

(Camera pans line of trumpet players: Tape 12 - 21:15:01 to 21:30:50) 

The transformation already reaches deep into the band program.

(Close-up of tuba player: Tape 12 - 05:15:19 to 05:31:45) 


News: 27-Aug-04Page 5

Last year, the band’s long-time director decided that he’d had enough of the long summers and non-existent weekends and asked to be reassigned.

(Close-up of tuba player: Tape 12 - 05:15:19 to 05:31:45) 

(Nat sound of tuba player up full for 3 seconds…then drop sound level to bed under voice track)

(Voice track, take 3: Tape 12 – 47:24:33 to 47:36:16)

Other requests for reassignments led to the hiring of an almost completely new band staff, with only the percussion director remaining the same.

(2-shot of band director and reporter: Tape 12 - 09:32:12 to 09:48:22) 

The new director—Jay Haward—brought new assistant directors with him from Seminole High School in Florida.

(Bite – Jay Haward/Band Director, Dorman High: Tape 12 - 09:32:12 to 09:48:22) 

(INCUE: Q - “What do you think about the band’s chances…”)

(OUTCUE: “…we’ll be there”)


News: 27-Aug-04Page 6

(Stand-up, take 3, Joey West/DTV News: Tape 12 - 21:47:47 to 22:00:06)

Most of you will get a chance to see part of the new show during halftime in the football game in Gaffney tonight.

The whole show will be seen at the 1st home game against Greenwood on September 10th, and the new uniforms will make their debute at the 2nd home game on September 24th.

Joey West, DTV News.

(End pkg) (Total time - 1:44)



( _________ )(Close-up)

Thanks Joey.

Page 7

While many of us will be enjoying a relaxing weekend, band students will be back at practice tomorrow morning at 8am and will work until 5pm.


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