The following script is the way the reporters should turn in a VO/bite script for the DTV News. This is called an editing script. If the reporter is out sick
or for some other reason does not show up for class, then someone else can be assigned to edit this story so long as the editing
script, and videotape are left in the studio.
On page 1 is the anchor lead. This is what the news anchor says to introduce
the story. At the end of this lead is a set of editing and switching directions:
Anchor Reading Assignment (Danielle)
(VO). This tells the anchors and crew which anchor is supposed to read this story
and tells them that the voice over starts at this point in the script and show.
This information tells the studio crew the title of the story (“Susan West Funeral”) and the story form
(VO/bite, meaning “voice over and sound bite”). A sound bite is a
short piece of an interview or statement made by someone who is part of the story or is an expert being interviewed to add
context to the story.
The location identifier and the time should be superimposed on the story (Location: Funeral for Beloved Teacher/Spartanburg
SC/21 August, 2004 – 0 to 4 secs). Notice that the location identifier not only gives the location of the story, but
also includes a very short teaser headline. This particular location identifier
also includes the date because that is important to the context of the story.
Sound or audio editing directions (Nat sound bed under VO). This tells
the editor or sound engineer how to balance the sound between the anchor’s voice and the sound that is heard on the
voice over portion of the edited video.
Following the anchor lead is the part of the script that is
called the “voice over” or simply a “VO.” Notice that
a description of each scene and the beginning and ending time for every scene on the original tape on which this story was
recorded is listed in this script. These times are on the editing script so that
the editor can find those scenes quickly and no time is wasted at the editor. Also
in this portion of the tape are editing instructions for the sound that was reported with these scenes. Notice on page 2 the audio editing instruction says, “Nat sound bed under VO.” This means that the reporter wants the audience to hear the sound from the scene (in other words, the “natural
sound” or “nat. sound”) but that this natural sound should be turned down enough that the viewer can hear
the anchor’s voice when the voice over begins. The sound from the scene
is to be kept just loud enough under the anchors voice so that it can be heard, but not so loud that it makes is hard to understand
what the anchor is saying. In other words, the sound from the scene forms a “bed”
under the anchor’s voice.
Following the voice over section of this VO/bite is a “sound bite” or “bite,” which is a piece
of an interview that was recorded on videotape. This is found on page 3. The instructions for inserting this portion of an interview include the tape number
or description (Tape 10), time on the tape (14:19:57 to 15:44:15), the identifier for the person being seen and heard (Bite - John
Williams/Minister, First Baptist Church of Spartanburg) and the things that are said at the very beginning of this sound bite (INCUE: Q - “He
gave her a gift of suffering…”)
and the things being said at the very end of this sound bite: (OC: “…it made her better). Note that “OC”
means “outcue,” which is the cue for the sound bite to end. You should
know that that the interview identifier tells the show editor or director and the graphics editor what identifier to superimpose
on the television screen to tell the viewer who this person is that is speaking. This
information gives the editor all the information that he or she needs to put the correct sound bite into the story. The editing instructions at this point in the script also tells the editor how long the sound bite is (Time: 28
Following the sound bite are more voice over with the necessary
editing and switching instructions.
The last thing on this script is the tag line. This is the part of this
script that the anchorperson reads while being seen on camera. Every VO or VO/bite
should have a tag line. This gives the anchor the chance to to add one last piece
of information so that there is a smooth transition back to the anchors on the set.
One last thing that you should notice: The editing instructions, times,
cues, and identifiers are all in much smaller letters than the script that the anchors or the report must read. This is so that the anchors and studio crew can easily read their part of the script without being distracted
by those instructions.
News: 27-Aug-04 – Page 1
We’ve got some sad
news to report to
you about a face
that won’t be seen
here at Dorman any
A teacher here at
Dorman High who
was loved by many
of her students and
respected by her
colleagues has died.
News: 27-Aug-04 – Page 2
(Danielle) (VO) (Location: Funeral for Beloved Teacher/Spartanburg SC/21
August, 2004 – 0 to 4 secs)
(“Susan West Funeral” VO/bite)
(Wide of funeral service in the church sanctuary: Tape 10 - 14:25:33 to 14:40:37)
(Nat sound bed under VO)
First Baptist Church
in Spartanburg was
filled with family,
friends, and
relatives, showing
their respect for a
beloved Dorman art
(Close-up of woman wiping tears from her eyes: Tape 10 - 10:12:39 to 10:58:08)
This memorial
service for Susan
West took place last
News: 27-Aug-04 – Page 3
(Close woman speaking from the lectern: Tape 10 - 14:19:57 to 15:44:15)
If you didn’t know
Ms. West, you may
know her work.
(Close woman speaking from the lectern: Tape labeled “Old Dorman Drawing” - 00:16:12 to 16:47:22)
If you’ve seen this
drawing of the old
Dorman High
building that was on
Ezell Boulevard…
that’s the work of
Susan West.
(VO time to sound bite: 20 seconds)
(Bite - John Williams/Minister, First Baptist Church of Spartanburg: Tape 10 - 11:49:00 to 12:17:00)
(INCUE: Q - “He gave her a gift of suffering…”) (OC: “…it made her better) (Time: 28 secs)
News: 27-Aug-04 – Page 3
(Shot of people leaving the church: Tape 10 - 58:46:25 to 59:00:00)
More than 500
people showed up
for the service to
show their respects
for Mrs. West.
(VO time following sound bite: 15 seconds)
(End VO)
Ms. West was
diagnosed with
cancer last year.